360 Apartment Renovations has partnered with Cortland to provide a full-service apartment turn offering across the Dallas Fort Worth portfolio.
Earlier this year 360 Apartment Renovations entered into a partnership agreement with Cortland, a global, integrated multifamily investment and management firm. Cortland had been looking at consolidating the number of vendors it operates with in the DFW market as a means of driving a number of improvements tied to overall business objectives which contribute to quality, complexity, and cost improvements. Cortland was initially looking at consolidating the 50+ vendors in this market to just one per trade (painting, housekeeping, carpet cleaning, make ready) but ultimately selected 360 Apartment Renovations to help them with all of these needs and drive some incremental operational and cost efficiencies.
Business Objectives
Through its partnership with 360 Apartment Renovations, Cortland has been able to meet its business objectives including the following:
Reduce cycle time to turn around apartments and make them lease ready more quickly contributing to revenue enhancement opportunity
Improve quality in turns leading to greater customer satisfaction upon move-ins
Implement standardized processes that drive operational improvements and consistent quality
Streamline estimating and scheduling of apartment turnarounds
Reduce operational complexity of working with 50+ vendors across various trades
Standardize pricing and eliminate pricing inconsistencies across vendors and properties
Drive improvements in scheduling all apartment turnaround needs
Reduced both hard and soft costs associated with performing apartment turnarounds
Partner with a company that is customer-oriented and leverages technology as a means of driving many of the improvements listed above
About Cortland
Cortland owns&manages 40 properties in the Dallas Fort Worth area totaling 14,435 rental units and 166 properties (58,336) globally. Cortland was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA with regional offices in Charlotte, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Orlando, and Tampa. Since its inception its grown quickly by challenging the conventions of the traditional multifamily industry through providing better living spaces and experiences to tenants. Today, Cortland owns the core aspects of its business including construction, design, and property management. Cortland is one of the larges multifamily companies in the US.